Membership Options
- Student - Free, annual
- Individual - $25, annual
- Family - $40, annual
- Business - $50, annual
Sustaining Levels
- Bronze, annual - $100 - Donor receives a free booth [transferable] at Art in the Park at Henes Park.
- Silver, annual - $250 - Donor receives two tickets to the Beaux HeARTS dinner celebration.
- Gold, annual - $500 - Donor receives a free booth [transferable] at Art in the Park & two tickets to the Beaux HeARTS dinner celebration.
- Lifetime, forever - $1000 - Donor receives a signed print from a MAAC artist.
You may pay your membership through PayPal by clicking the PayPal button, or the old fashioned way by mailing your check to:
Menominee Area Arts Council
PO Box 1221
Menominee, MI 49858
or bring it to a MAAC meeting.