Events & Support for All Arts and Culture
Membership Options
- Student - Free, annual
- Individual - $25, annual
- Family - $40, annual
- Business - $50, annual
Sustaining Levels
- Bronze, annual - $100 - Donor receives a free booth [transferable] at Art in the Park at Henes Park.
- Silver, annual - $250 - Donor receives two tickets to the Beaux HeARTS dinner celebration.
- Gold, annual - $500 - Donor receives a free booth [transferable] at Art in the Park & two tickets to the Beaux HeARTS dinner celebration.
- Lifetime, forever - $1000 - Donor receives a signed print from a MAAC artist.
Our Approach
Mission Statement
The Menominee Area Arts Council is a non-profit umbrella organization whose mission is to promote, educate, present, and encourage support of the arts in our area communities.
Our Story
Core Values
Vision - Ideas and imagination from anyone, anywhere, anytime makes the VIP List.
Integrity - Trust, honesty, respect, responsibility, reliability, accountibility, cooperation.
Partnership - With arts-related groups and community organizations.
Strategic Plan
Activities: MAAC generated and produced.
Assist-Endorse-Promote: Other groups' events.
Financial Support: For arts and culture.
Projects: Good to Great focus for organizational wellness, effectiveness, and growth.
President ~James LaMalfa
Vice President ~ Julie Simmons
Treasurer ~ Samuel Buyarski
Recording Secretary ~ Laurel Buyarski
MAAC Publicist - James LaMalfa